
watashi wa kanshu senyou pet



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" Starting at ii PM today yous volition be my responsibleness. You must admittedly obey what I say until yous find your freedom, exercise you sympathize? Answer.
~ Myojin upon meeting Hina.
" Kneel before Aki Myojin!
~ A manga tagline near Aki Myojin.

Aki Myojin (in Japanese: 明神亜貴) is a major antagonist in the Sugariness Penalisation anime and Amai Choubatsu: Watashi wa Kanshu Senyou Pet manga. He is the primary antagonist of the commencement anime series actualization in every episode. He is the Chief security guard of Blackness Wing Prison house and the captor of protagonist, Hina Saotome.

He is voiced past Yoshitaka Yamaya in the Television version of the anime and Kazuma Hoshino for the complete version.


" A cute white and delicate peel. But the scar ruins the beauty of his body.
~ Hina explaining her thoughts of Myojin.

Myojin is bonny in appearance with sharp features. He is alpine and lean still muscular. He has a pale complexion contrasting with his dark majestic hair. His eyes are depicted every bit gold in the manga and purple in the anime. Subconscious under his clothes he has a large scar.

He is almost always seen wearing his black guard uniform and hat which include several silvery adornments signifying his high status as Chief Prison Guard. When working he wears white gloves and usually carries a blackness whip. When abroad from piece of work he is seen wearing a unproblematic black arrange and necktie.

His expression tends to correlate with who he is effectually. With fellow officers and fifty-fifty many prisoners he has a warm and friendly appearance however, with Hina he generally retains a stoic and domineering expression.

In a retention sequence of when he was assumedly a teenager and/or young adult, he has dyed blonde hair.


" I know that, it'due south obvious. Yet, this foolish anger keeps growing inside me.
~ Myojin reflecting on himself.

Aki Myojin has a circuitous personality which deviates depending on who he is around. He is very confident is his position every bit Principal Prison Officer and carries himself with an air of authority.

He is firm yet kind and supportive towards beau guards and the inmates in the prison, the exception being Hina Saotome who he believes has wronged him. He has a cold personality towards Hina in public and a sadistic personality towards her in private. He openly enjoys tormenting and humiliating her primarily through sexual ways via his "punishments". Whilst he openly enjoys what he is doing Hina'due south too notes that she occasionally sees pity.

Information technology is strongly implied that behind his vengeful anger he is in fact a good person who is merely tormented by his past and the emotional trauma he is undergoing due to his mother is dying. He cares deeply well-nigh his family unit and describes the anger he feels equally "foolish".

At the kickoff of the series he doesn't seem to be particular nearly who harms Hina and as a penalisation deliberately locks her in a tower with three "trouble prisoners" who would have raped her had fellow prisoner Higa Yamato non intervened. Shortly after however, he begins growing extremely possessive over her and becomes enraged when he discovers Hina and Higa have had relations.




Several flashbacks take been shown of Aki Myojin's history. He is seen every bit a moody young homo with dyed blonde hair who seems to take an uncomfortable relationship with his female parent. President Yuzuru Akatsuki is seen in his history and appears to be courting Myojin's mother much to his axiomatic displeasure.

When distraught a clip of his past is shown when he nevertheless had dyed hair and stated "all you have to do is die" in a rather malicious tone. It is unsaid he said this to his female parent.

He is seen enjoying drinks with fellow prison guards when a Television clip comes on stating Yuzuru Akatsuki has been involved in shady business organization and has received death threats to which he runs out the room. He then finds his mother and a man – most probable Yuzuru Akatsuki – hanging from the ceiling. He rushes his mother to the hospital where she remains in critical state.

He is seen once again looking at the Boob tube with officers equally information technology is announced that Hina was found guilty of embezzlement and would be spending a year in his prison. At this news he has a night grinning.

Sweetness Punishment


He introduces himself to Hina upon her inflow where he tells her that he is Chief Prison house Guard Myoujin Gakita and that she is inbound a maximum-security prison house wherein she is the just woman. She will be referred to as 3077 and his orders are absolute. He then takes her for a "mandatory torso check" of his own design while taunting her reactions and stifling her moans so as to not exist heard past others exterior.

When Hina'southward lover Yakumo comes to visit her he accompanies Hina as her guard still, unbeknownst to Yakumo crudely interrupts their reunion. Every bit Hina does not want Yakumo to see her such she pretends with some difficulty that nothing is incorrect. Myojin locks her in a tower with iii unchained prisoners who have shown an interest in her. She would have been raped at this signal if not for Higa Yamato's intervention.


He chastises her piece of work in the kitchen'south when he is interrupted by another man, assumedly a prisoner, who greets him familiarly. Myojin warmly acknowledges the man's accomplishment of passing the cooking test and offers to help with the publicity of his business concern in the hereafter showing a warmer side to his personality. Hina notes that all the prisoners appear to trust him.

When observing the prisoners eating he appears displeased at Higa telling Hina the nutrient she fabricated is delicious and afterwards tells Hina he is punishing her from having problems in the kitchens. She obeys his orders not wanting to arouse his suspicions of her impending escape plan however, subsequently declares him "crazy" to which he responds "Who'due south fault is that?".

On his mean solar day off prison duty, which Hina states is one time every two weeks, he goes to visit the Sanyou infirmary where his female parent is in a coma and is told by a doc that her chances are slim at best. After this he returns to the prison where he discovers Hina is in the procedure of escaping through the vents.


He pursues and captures her bringing her back to the shower room where he rapes her equally punishment. Hina notes that he looks lamentable whilst doing and so. When he carries her out of the shower-room unconscious he meets Higa who states that he trusted him because he always protected the prisoners but has changed in his obsession with Hina and wants to know what he plans to exercise to her. At this Myojin just replies that a prisoner must non question his superiors.

He visits Hina in her room informing her she will now exist working in the launderette, will be subject to 72 hours in isolation, may no longer have any visitors and that her prison sentence has been extended by one year. She asks if he hates her to which he gets angry and indicates he blames her for something.


He and then ties her hands above her with his whip and rapes her through the prison bars mocking her arousal and denouncing her a slut.

When he becomes suspicious Hina has revealed the truth of her situation to Higa he instigates a coming together between them which he interrupts declaring it a 'romantic encounter between prisoners' that must be punished. He locks Higa behind bars and molests Hina in front end of him mocking Higa's powerlessness at the state of affairs.


When Myojin catches Higa breaking into his office in an attempt to find information on Hina's case after knocking out a guard he lashes Higa with a whip as penalization. Despite this he holds dorsum and seems upset at having to take such an action. He brings Hina to the hospital where an injured Higa is and tells her his condition is her fault. There a fellow guard privately informs him of his mother and he immediately goes to the hospital where a dr. tells him she has taken a turn for the worse. Afterwards he sits lonely despairingly thinking that it is only a affair of time before "the bomb goes off" and he will exist alone.


Three days afterwards he returns to the prison and visits Hina kissing her on sight. She thinks that he does so as if kissing his girlfriend and that his eyes look in need of condolement. Withal, he so spots the love seize with teeth fabricated by Higa just below her neck and demands to know what it is. He appears enraged that she has allow another man lay hands on her and angrily takes her to his room where he states he will punish her till dawn.

In the following days observes Higa turn downward Hina's enquiry as to how he is doing and mocks her stating that he is all she has, demanding she apologise and swear never to await abroad from him over again. Despite Higa pushing Hina abroad Myojin warns Higa that if he catches the two of them together again he will send them to the specialized department of the prison house.


When Hina asks after Higa'southward status Myojin apprehends them both and goes with them in a van destined for the specialized psychiatric department. The 2 are tied up with blindfolds and he tells Hina that it will be a while before they run across again and rapes her calling information technology a farewell gift enraging the adjacent Higa. The truck is then hitting past Igarashi and upon affect Myojin dives to protect Hina. When freed Higa acknowledges the unconscious Myojin's actions before carrying him off.

Aki dreams of his past and his mother'southward relationship to President Yuzuru. When he awakens he is hog-tied to a chair and (despite his position) seems neither agape or intimidated but declaring their actions "stupidity". Higa demands to know his reasons for harassing Hina and tells Myojin he knows he has a connection to Yuzuru Akatsuki the man in charge of the company Hina was defendant of embezzling and states he thinks Myojin knows Hina is innocent. When information technology is articulate Myojin is not going to talk Higa leaves angrily promising to return. Upon Higa's deviation Myojin has a confident expression.

Hina afterwards comes down to his cell feeling unwelcome in the mafia's conversation. When he opens his eyes he uses her prison name to trigger her into submission. He proceeds to requite her instructions to which she complies despite knowing she shouldn't. Upon doing then she realises she was never merely an inmate of the prison just rather Myojin'due south prisoner. He tells her she is still in detention, that all have become her enemies and orders her to release him.

Powers and Abilities

Aki Myojin is a skilled prison guard with a practiced noesis of its layout and occupants. It is he who deduces that Hina is trying to escape through the vents and quickly recaptures her.


He is very skilled with his whip which he commonly carries with him, he uses it to control prisoners when necessary and was able to "hold dorsum" the impairment he inflicted on Higa as punishment.

He is a very skilled manipulator and by the end of the starting time series he has completely brainwashed Hina and can control her even when he is imprisoned himself.


Hina Saotome

" I'll go along disciplining you until there's nix left of yous.
~ Myojin to Hina.

Aki Myojin has an obsession with Hina. Unlike the rest of the prisoners he refuses to phone call her by proper noun and instead refers to her as only as 3077. Upon her entry to prison he immediately takes reward of her and gain to relentlessly dominate her through sexual assault and humiliation. He by and large refers to these as 'punishments'.

He looks downward on her but does admit "she'south got guts" when she attempts to escape the prison. He becomes very possessive of Hina declaring her 'his'. He becomes angry when she starts to get close to fellow inmate Higa and does his best to force them apart.

Despite this he does testify her some compassion and ofttimes looks vulnerable or lamentable. When the vehicle they are traveling in is hitting by a machine he dives to protect her. When Myojin is captured Higa suggests that Myojin is already enlightened that Hina is innocent of her defendant crime hence his endeavor to salve her.

He appears to blame her for his current misfortune describing her as "a woman who turned her back on the law" and "stole his everything" much to her defoliation. Information technology is unsaid his mother'due south hanging was in connexion to her relationship with President Akatsuki who was in charge of the company Hina was wrongly accused of embezzling.

By the end of the first serial he has succeeded in making Hina his mental prisoner and despite beingness tied upwards past Higa and her finally being costless he is able to use her prison name to dispense her into having sex with him and gratuitous him from his restraints.

Higa Yamato

" What are these optics? Are you going to cry? Yous don't take whatever power!
~ Myojin taunting a distraught Higa.

Higa is an inmate at Black Wing prison. He and Aki Myojin originally had a positive relationship with i another and upon Higa's entry to the prison prior the showtime of the serial he offered to help reinstitutionalize Higa dorsum into society upon his release. However, Higa soon realises something is wrong between him and Hina. After Hina'south attempted escape Higa sees Myojin conveying an unconscious Hina and calls him out on his obsession with her only to be told not to question his superiors.

When Myojin finds out Hina has told Higa nearly their relationship he lures them into a conversation so reveals himself stating they must both be appropriately punished. He locks Higa backside confined and proceeds to molest Hina in front of him giving a detailed commentary of Hina's responses and mocking his powerlessness to which Higa declares him "merely crazy human being without that uniform".

He discovers Higa trying to find information on Hina and lashes him although Higa notes that Myojin went easy on him, doing minimal impairment to his yakuza tattoo to protect his pride. He also seems upset at having to hurt Higa and tells him to never make him exercise it again.

He becomes jealous and angry when he discovers Hina and Higa accept becomes closer he threatens to send them both to the specialized psychiatric department of the prison as penalisation should they accept any farther contact. When this punishment comes around he accompanies them in the van and deliberately rapes Hina within Higa's earshot.

Their positions are reversed when Igarashi saves Hina and Higa. However, even when tied up Myojin refuses to accept Higa's dominance or explain his reasons behind his abusive beliefs.


" If she dies I'll be all lone. Fifty-fifty though I couldn't do anything
~ Myojin after her condition worsens.

Myojin's early memories indicate he had a strained relationship with his mother and did not corroborate of her interest in President Yuzuru Akatsuki.

Upon seeing the news that Yuzuru has recieved death threats he runs and finds his mother has been hung from the ceiling with aslope a man - most likely Yuzuru. He then rushes her to hospital where they were able to stableize her.

In the present he seems to care securely for her bringing her flowers in hospital where she remains in a blackout. He is devastated at her status which steadily worsens and thinks that if she dies he'll be alone.

Yuzuru Akatsuki

" Yous certainly have a connectedness with this Yuzuru Akatsuki.
~ Higa interrogating a captured Myojin.

Aki Myojin and Yuzuru are known to be connected. Judging on his memories this seems to be through his relationship with Myojin's mother. He was CEO of the company Hina was falsely accused of embezzling. It is implied his "shady business" and consistent "death threats" are the reason Myojin mother was hung and ended up in a blackout.

Higa disovers Yuzuru is dead and finds Myojin has been invited to his memorial service when he breaks into Myojin'south role seeking information on Hina. Higa believes Yuzuru is involved in Hina getting framed.

Whenever Yuzuru is brought upwardly Myojin becomes angry. He furiously orders Hina non to say his name and refuses to discuss the topic with Higa when under interrogation.



  • In the manga official artwork, Myojin is depicted with gold-dark-brown eyes. Withal, in the anime his optics are dark purple. Too, there are a few differences in his compatible but also in his hat'southward designs
  • His beginning name, Aki, tin can mean "born in the fall, ancestor". His surname, Myojin, is a Japanese surname which tin can refer to Shinto gods.
  • The manga has been translated into English language and published digitally under the title "At This Charge per unit, I'thou Gonna Come" -The Warden's Relentless Pat-Downwards- on Renta!.


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