
How To Paint Onestroke Pine Trees

Learn how to paint this beautiful winter night scene! By using just some paint and a few castor techniques, you can easily recreate this painting. It makes a keen gift or wall art for this wintertime.


-acrylic paint (yellowish, blue, red, white)

-large apartment brush

-small flat castor

-something to paint on such as canvas, forest, board, etc.

-water container

-newspaper towel or rag


i. Paint the background a nighttime color. Here I am mixing bluish with a small amount of cherry-red to create a dark blue/purple using a large apartment brush. I am leaving a few castor strokes but experience free to exercise the background any way you would like. Let it dry.

two. Mix green and yellowish paint together to make green. Using a apartment brush paint a line to bespeak how tall you want the tree to exist. Start at the elevation of the line. Using flicking motions, movie your paintbrush at a diagonal to make the pine branches. Every fourth dimension you make a flick utilise less force per unit area at the start and stop so that yous end upwards having thinner, pointy shape with a fuller middle to replicate a branch. Make shorter flicks virtually the top and long ones gradually going downwards to create a triangle or cone shape for the tree.

three. Now you tin can add a bit more bluish to your green yous are currently using to make a darker green. Go over parts of the tree using the same flicking movement. Using a darker dark-green will add together shadows and depth. Continue building upwardly the branches until you lot are happy with the results!

4. Using a smaller apartment castor selection up some white paint. Holding your brush vertically, postage and pat the white onto the tree to create snowfall. Call back about how snow naturally falls on trees noting that snow usually rests on tiptop of branches.

5. Add snow by mixing a tiny amount of water into some white pigment. Agree your brush horizontally over your painting and tap your brush. Borer your castor will bounce and splatter paint off the brush and onto your painting creating small-scale dots like snowfall.

6. Use white paint to add snow on the footing or any other details y'all would like and you are done!


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